Saturday, June 2, 2007

Just been walking around....all week.

Hello again good people. My little eleven month old nephew and I have a new thing in common. We are both learning how to walk. Yes, thats right...walk...and it involves way more then just left foot, right foot, left foot, right foot. Its said to be one of the toughest things to animate. I've done walk cycles before on my own, but they weren't any good. Its sooooo tough! But they are really breaking it down for us about the little things that makes a walk successful. So thats my excuse for not posting on my blog this past week with some more work. I am designating this Sunday as my blog day though. I have to get caught up with it. So please feel free to check back for it. :)

Tonight though was awesome! We had a question and answer webcam session with animator & mentor Mark Behm. He was talking about working on Shrek 3. He had so many good things and tips to share with us. He showed us some of the work in progress from some of the scenes he did in the movie. Its these little extra opportunities that I have to take advantage of so I can learn more, and hopefully get someone to remember my face, name, and when I am all grown up someday...I will have job. :)

Alright so BLOG day.

Thank you!

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