Wednesday, April 16, 2008

The hamster is still running in the wheel.

Hey Good People!

I've been busy creating and developing some short story ideas. With the help of friends and guidance from my mentor, I am 90% sure on which idea to do. But if I can keep the little hamster in my head, running in the wheel...I am sure I can make the story stronger yet. This is such an important step to get right, to have a successful end result.

I am not ready to tell you my story yet, but this simple animation is a hint.

I am guessing you probably still have no idea from that hint, but I just didn't want to post without some sort of visual for you.

Thank you for stopping by!

-Sheldonator the Animator


Alexiss Dawn said...

Ooooo, but I have insider knowledge. I KNOW. I KNOW ALL.

Sheldon Kruger said...

Ohhhhhhhh, now look who thinks they're funny. Ha ha. Yes you do "know all", but shhhhhhh. =)

In reality though, I guess its not really that great of a secret anyways. I think I knew better secrets when I was 7 years old. Ha ha. =)

Jess Morris said...

Nice! One fan 20 more to go!

Nice animation on it too!

Sheldon Kruger said...

Ha ha. I know!! I am going to try and model at least one object everyday. Little at a time. =)

Just need to remember: KEEP IT SIMPLE. =)

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