Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Super Double Dooper Quick Post

Hey Everyone!!

This is going to be a super quick post because I have so much to do this week. I am really excited about how my shot is coming along. My mentor had some great comments to make that makes me even more excited. I am learning so much all the time, I can't even put my excitement into words. Hope you like it! far. =)

CLICK HERE to see.

I also did another face pose study.

Thank you for stopping by!



Tal Moscovici said...

Wow man, good to see you're doing well Sheldon. I haven't visited here in a while but this stuff looks awesome! I really like the facial expression exercises. Just out of curiosity how much longer are you in the Mentor program?

Sheldon Kruger said...

Thanks Tal! Graduating in the end of September from AM. Exciting/Scary/Nervous/Wondering feelings.

Anonymous said...

Good work Shel!! I love the guys' 'stunned' look as she tells him he may not have the required equipment. He is definately, NOT impressed with her!

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