Thursday, July 17, 2008


Hey Everyone!!!

It just got finalized yesterday, and I've been waiting to post this for a little while now but, I GOT A JOB!!!........Its weird to finally say that. I've pinched myself several times, but the job is still there. :)

Here's the crazy details...

I got hired as a Temporary Animator at Blue Sky Studios which is located in White Plains, New York; approximately 30 miles north of Manhattan. I will be joining the team there already working on the movie Ice Age 3. If you haven't seen the trailer for it, click the link: I will be working my butt off there for approximately 5 months. After that...who knows. :) The thing that excites me the most though, is how much I am going to learn from the many talented people at Blue Sky in all departments. I am considering the option of evolving into Sponge Bob SquarePants so I can soak up as much knowledge as I can. :)

Thank you to all my classmates and professors at California State University Fullerton. Everything I learned there helped me immensely at Animation Mentor, and will continue too. To everybody involved in Animation Mentor...classmates, mentors, staff, Scott Carroll, Bobby, Shawn, & Carlos. THANK YOU!!!

Most importantly I have to say a huge Thank You to my family and friends. I've dragged them down a crazy path to finally get to this point, and they never let go.

Oh yeah, did I mention that I am moving there in 2 days, and start working on Monday morning?!?!? (July 21st). I better start packing!!! :)

Thank you!

Sheldon (I'm so excited!!!)


Anonymous said...

Hey, TheGoozer here. Great blog. Love it. Congratz again mate. Keep us up to date about how you evolve at blue sky studios!

Unknown said...


Awesome job man. See you there!

Anonymous said...

sheldon OMG!!! this is fantastic!! CONGRATULATIONS::):) can't even begin to tell u how happy I am for you..and to think abt a year ago you were helping me with maya tips:)hehe! ( which I'm getting the hang of now by the way)

all those late night hv been so worth it yeahh?:)
wish u the sure u'll hv a super time:)

Tal Moscovici said...

YEEEEEEESSSSS EHHHHHHH!!!!! You deserve every bit of it man! Good luck, let us know how it goes, and don't forget about us little guys, eh!

eortega101 said...

OUTSTANDING Sheldon! You deserve it my friend. Best of luck and learn as much as you possibly can.

I'm so excited for you. Please keep us in the loop on your adventures.

Dreams do come true!


Devin Kelso said...

CONGRATS!!!!!!! I am sooooo happy for you!!!!!! I start AM in JANUARY!!!!! YAY!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Hey,I'm happy for you.Congrats and give us more fine animations.And keep us inform about the blue sky adventure.

John said...

Holy crap, Sheldon. I love it man, I love seeing persistence pay off. You deserve it so much, dude. You have no idea how happy I am for you. That is such amazing news and you earned every ounce of it. I can't wait to see what you do there.

Matthew Long said...

Hey Sheldon, it's Tuesday, meaning you've spent at least one whole day at Blue Sky. How was it? And how in the world did you manage to move internationally in half a week? Crazy

Richard Oud said...

Congratulations Sheldon.. that is such great news, really nice to hear!

You'll have a blast up there.. say hi to Patrick and Amila Puhala for me ;)

Anonymous said...

Congratulations Sheldon! Enjoy your Blue Sky adventures!
A Donna and U Bruno

Sal Lopez said...

DOOOOOOOOOOOD Ey! Aboot! Don't u know!

Heard the news Johnny! Congrats for sure man, I saw all the effort and work, so definately congrats.

The juice tastes much sweeter when you know you planted the fruit yourself!

Now get out there and make CSUF and Degrasi High proud!

Alice Marie said...

CONGRATS!! Dude, that is so *awesome*. :) (man, my 'random checking people's blogs' mojo had good timing this week.)

Kimotion said...

Awesome. CONGRATS!

Mahesh said...

Hey, congratulations

Mahesh said...

Hey, congratulations

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