Monday, December 1, 2008

"I don't need a Christmas tree......."

Thats what I was saying to a friend in the store. "When I have to move its going to be extra stuff to pack up. If I will i get it there?" I was finding all sorts of reasons NOT to get a tree...But then....I walked around the corner of the aisle and saw all the John Deere Christmas ornaments. SOLD!!! Immediately I knew it was the perfect tree for me, because it reminded of home, and my family. For the first few days I only had the mini John Deere truckers hat on top of the tree. But then I got thinking about what Christmas is really about...and its not actually John Deere. So I made my own little star and put it on top of the truckers hat. :)

Work is still going well, and keeping me very busy. We just watched a screening of the movie today, and I am very excited about it. Of course it was a rough version of the movie, because its still in progress. But, when I saw the 20th Century Fox logo attached to the beginning of the film today, my heart began to race a bit. I never thought I would be able to be apart of something like this. I am told by senior animators that the first time you see your name roll across the movie screen....that its a pretty awesome feeling. I can't wait. :) Here's the new website for the movie.

Hope you like my Christmas tree too! I sure do!


The only odd ornament, is the pickle as you can see in the picture. I just thought it was funny when I saw it in the store. Its green, so it works. :)

I was playing with a setting on my camera in the picture below and thought it look cool.

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